
Welcome! Virtually view our educational brochure. Learn more about the issues that are threatening the health of the watershed and how you can help! Created by tmsr Design Delivery in collaboration with Oak Creek Watershed Council and Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. This brochure was funded by grants from ADEQ and EPA.

Oak Creek Watershed Council is concerned to learn of a sewage spill into Oak Creek, where a reported 15,000-20,000 gallons of untreated, raw sewage flowed into a storm drain and immediately drained into Oak Creek. The incident occurred between 5 – 7:30 pm on August 4, 2020, along SR179 at the Hillside Sedona Shopping Center. Kinney Construction Services is responsible…

We encourage you to #KnowBeforeYouGo and to #RecreateResponsibly. Please visit the Leave No Trace Center’s website to learn more by clicking here. Additionally, learn about the 7 Leave No Trace principles straight from the Leave No Trace Center’s website! Click here.

Because of COVID-19, we are seeing massive increases in visitors fleeing to the creek and Sedona trails, which means increases in littering and habitat degradation, significantly impacting the fragile riparian ecosystem. And it’s an eye-sore! Our small team is working tirelessly to pick-up after visitors, so that creek sites are pristine upon their arrival, hopefully encouraging them to leave it…

Map is provided by the U.S. Forest Service.

Put A L.I.D. On It, showcasing Green Infrastructure and Low Impact Development techniques.

Loved to Death: The Story of Oak Creek from Oak Creek Watershed Council on Vimeo.

The Oak Creek Watershed is about 300,000 acres. It has long been celebrated nationally and internationally as a year-round destination. Trails for hiking and horseback riding, campsites, and settings for wildlife-watching abound. Cool shady pools of water provide an ideal setting for water recreation and a refuge from the dry, hot, prehistoric surroundings. There are two federally designated wilderness areas…

The objective of the Oak Creek Community Outreach Program (OCCOP) is to raise the awareness level, particularly of those living or recreating in the proximity of Oak Creek, regarding the consequences to littering and pollution, as well as changing the outdoor behavior of all visitors to Oak Creek. Keeping Oak Creek Clean and Healthy The objective of the Oak Creek…

Oak Creek Watershed Council embraces the philosophy of Leave No Trace. According to Wikipedia, Leave No Trace is a set of principles for participation in outdoor recreation that seeks to minimize the impact on the natural environment. Proponents of Leave No Trace believe that individual impacts caused by recreation can accumulate to degrade the land. Therefore, the Leave No Trace…

Posted June 18, 2013 The Oak Creek Watershed Council (OCWC) has completed the final version of the Oak Creek Watershed Improvement Plan (OCWIP) and it has been approved by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. The OCWIP is a “living” document, however, and your comments, questions, or recommendations are always welcome by sending the OCWC an email ( or by mail at:…

June 27, 2012PDF of this article HERE The Oak Creek Watershed, that is. Fifty miles of fresh water perpetually in motion, Oak Creek is the thread that weaves together the fabric of our watershed community, as well as being vital to its economic, recreational and natural future. Some think that the movement of water represents life itself, and has soothing,…

November 7th, 2002 Approved at a general meeting of the Oak Creek Watershed Council This Watershed Based Plan (formerly Watershed Restoration Action Strategy…WRAS) took over two years to prepare and represents the combined efforts of all members of the Oak Creek Watershed Council. A special thanks to Doug Cullinane, P.E., for his effort writing the first draft and subsequent revisions.…