Accomplishments Timeline 2002–2014

The Oak Creek Watershed Council (OCWC), formerly the Oak Creek Canyon Task Force, was organized in 1994 by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) as an informal watershed group and evolved into a community-driven non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization on September 11, 2003. To follow is a listing of the significant accomplishments of the Council.


2002  Watershed Based Plan. More…

2003  Formation of KEEP OAK CREEK CANYON BEAUTIFUL anti-litter program.

2005  Awarded ADEQ grant to build first roadside public bathrooms in Canyon as well as new shower disposal system at Cave Springs Campground; sediment traps at two recreation areas; trailhead signs at 12 locations; construction of a web site.

2008  Jointly with Pender Engineering, participated in Education Grant from ADEQ to create Trailhead Ambassador student volunteer program as well as expand the KOCCB anti-litter program and develop a new web site.  In 2009 the Oak Creek Canyon site recorded 872,216 hits averaging 72,685 a month, or almost 2,400 daily.

2009  October 1st-Awarded the Oak Creek Watershed Improvement Plan grant by ADEQ.  Focus of the two-year grant is the impairment of Oak Creek.

2011  Developed Master Watershed Steward Program with the University of Arizona. Twelve graduates in June.

2011  July 11th–Awarded an extension of the Oak Creek Watershed Improvement Plan (OCWIP) grant by ADEQ for a further year until September 30, 2012

2011  Awarded grant by Sedona Community Foundation to install dog waste stations at trailheads.

2012  Development of the Oak Creek Community Outreach Program (OCCOP)

2012  June 30th-Approval of the Oak Creek Watershed Improvement Plan draft

2012  September 12-Approval of the Oak Creek Watershed Improvement Plan (OCWIP) by ADEQ

2012  September – Named ‘Nonprofit Organization of 2012″ by Sedona Community Foundation (SCF) and awarded a grant for capacity-building

2012  November 30 -Two grant applications submitted to ADEQ for implementation of OCWIP projects

2013  January – Volunteer force formalized as Friends of Oak Creek

2013  May 1 – Awarded Oak Creek Outreach Grant (OCOG) by ADEQ

2013  July – Awarded capacity-building grant by Coconino County

2013  August – Awarded capacity-building grant by City of Sedona

2014   January – Award for Excellence from Keep Sedona Beautiful

2014   January – Awarded Education and Outreach Grant (EDOG) by ADEQ
