July 4, 2011
Dear Property Owner:
As you are probably aware, Oak Creek has been classified by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) as “impaired” because of a persistent problem with the fecal coliform Escherichia coli (E. coli).
Persistence of E. coli in the watershed may result from multiple sources, and ADEQ has awarded our group a grant to identify those sources and develop solutions to mitigate them.
Our field team needs to take samples of Oak Creek at several locations along its 55 mile length. In order to do this they need access to the Creek and sometimes this requires the cooperation and permission of a property owner.
Our team is trained in their work, and will not disturb your property in any way.
We appreciate your cooperation and if you would like further information on this project, please visit our website at www.oakcreekwatershed.org and in the top left corner of the home page, click on “Oak Creek Watershed Improvement Plan.”
Thank you for your help and assistance…
Barry Allan, Executive Director
Oak Creek Watershed Council PDF of Notification HERE